Describe dedicated hosting


    Dedicated hosting comes in the form of either a physical server or a virtual server and is solely utilized by the client, which means the resources are reserved for your services alone, opposed to shared hosting.
    Most Hosting Providers now specialize in VPS (virtual private servers) because of a multitude of reasons.

    This is mostly required for websites that receive large volumes of traffic, in order to ensure that the site performs optimally with the resources allocated towards it.
    It also guarantees quality of service around your website, since you are the only user.

    Dedicated hosting can either be a managed service, where the hosting provider takes care of all (or most) the nitty gritty details or self-managed, which is for the system administrator who has the required technical knowledge.

    Some of the services include, but are not limited to,

    • dedicated IP Addresses
    • backups and restore of data
    • server monitoring
    • antivirus updates
    • database administration
    • DDoS protection

    describe dedicated hosting, what is dedicated hosting, dedicated hosting, explain dedicated hosting

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