Create FTP Account (DirectAdmin)


    Every now and then, you or a 3rd party, will be required to connect to your hosting space via an FTP account to upload files, etc.
    This account is set up to have certain access to a specified directory

    Please follow these instructions to create a new FTP account or make use of the default FTP account

    1.  Log into the Direct Admin host panel using the link provided after signing up with your hosting provider
    Username should be in the form of your unique USER ACCOUNT ID, e.g. r12345c

    2.  Select FTP MANAGEMENT

    3. You will notice the default FTP account
    This account makes use of your unique USER ID and Host Panel password, received after your hosting account was created and ideally for your eyes only, as the account holder
    Go ahead and click on CREATE FTP ACCOUNT should you wish to grant a 3rd party access via FTP

    4. Enter the FTP username, e.g. as well as a strong password and then select the type of account
    This depends on which directory a 3rd party should have access to.  If you select CUSTOM, then you can determine the precise location
    Once completed, select CREATE

    5. You will receive a pop-up notice that the account has been created.  Copy and store the credentials in a safe place
    These credentials will be used to connect to the specified directory via an FTP client

    Credentials required to connect via FTP client:
    1.  Host name
    A host name can be in the form of a fully qualified domain name, e.g. or the server IP
    2.  Username
    The username can either be the unique USER ID or the newly created user
    3.  Password
    The password you created.  Please ensure the password is strong and consists of lower case, capitals, numeric and special characters

    Read this article for assistance to access an FTP client like FileZilla:

    Congratulations on creating your very first FTP account!

    Create new ftp account (Direct Admin), create new ftp account, add new ftp account, use default ftp account, what is an ftp account, ftp account, ftp account directadmin, use default ftp credentials

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