Clear Locally Stored SSL Certificates


    How to clear locally stored SSL certificates for Email applications/clients.

    Are you suddenly served with an SSL-related error when trying to send and receive via your desktop or mobile Email client?  You may even be prompted to re-trust your SSL certificate.  For some reason your Email client may have difficulty reading or importing the SSL certificate.

    This article explains how to delete the SSL certificate from your computer, forcing your Email client to reinstall the certificate the next time you attempt to send and receive.


    1. Close your Email application
    2. Navigate to the START menu and then search for INTERNET OPTIONS
    3. After accessing internet options, select CONTENT
    4. Click CLEAR SSL STATE
    5. Now you can restart your Email client/application and the certificate should be detected.


    1. Close your Email application
    2. Navigate to the FINDER menu
    3. Click the GO menu and select UTILITIES in the sub-menu
    4. Scroll to KEYCHAIN ACCESS
    5. Click LOGIN in the left pane
    6. Right-click on the certificate named *
    7. Now select DELETE certificate
    8. Have your password handy to authorize modifying the keychain
    9. The certificate should be removed after a while

    Once you restart your Email client/application, you might be required to re-trust the certificate.  Kindly navigate to resolving SSL trust error in Email client for assistance.

    Should your issue not be resolved, please view our Email troubleshooting guide or navigate to this article regarding Outlook errors in Outlook Email client.

    Please note:
    As a courtesy to our valued clients, we provide comprehensive installation details about how to use certain third-party products, such as Apple (IOS) and Samsung (Android), as well as Outlook and Mac, but we neither endorse, nor directly support any third-party products and therefore we are not responsible for the functionality, compatibility or reliability of these products. We are also not affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by any of these third party vendors.

    clear locally stored ssl, delete local ssl, trust ssl certificate, remove ssl certificate, force ssl re-install

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